LEED and Sustainability Solutions
Mars Contributes to Sustainability & Energy Saving Solutions
The economic and environmental benefits of a sustainable building are clear: healthier and safer for occupants, lowered operating costs, increased asset value, tax rebates and zoning allowances, and other financial incentives. Learn more about how Mars has been part of sustainable solutions from the very beginning.
How the Mars Solution Amplifies Energy Savings
The Mars air curtain forms a strong protective barrier over every building opening and repels incoming dust, debris, and flying pests while protecting costly climatized air. By reducing your utility spend without obstructions that lead to unsafe vehicle and personnel traffic, Mars is a critical component to atmostpheric control and efficient HVAC operations. Operating your facility without Mars protecting your openings forces your HVAC systems to work harder and run longer in order to maintain set temperatures, causing your utility spend to rise and your equipment to require more frequent maintenance and replacement.
Add to the Energy Savings – Mars SimpleLink® Increases Air Curtain Control and Elevates Savings
With SimpleLink®, Mars brings unprecedented intelligence and interoperability with your building management system that results in an intuitive, self-adjusting air curtain that responds to your custom conditions. The ability to maximize performance of the air curtain and to link regulated systems together with a building management system is the hallmark of a smart building. Only Mars offers the control and energy savings of the SimpleLink® system.

How to Gain LEED V4 BD + C Points by using Mars® Air Curtain
NOTE: The installation of air curtains DOES NOT directly result in LEED V4 BD+C points. However, through the proper application of its many functions, air curtains can assist in meeting prerequisites as required by "LEED V4 for Building Design and Construction, April 5, 2016", to qualify for LEED V4 BD +C points. For detailed information, please refer to LEED V4 BD+C handbook or USGBC website (www.usgbc.org)
Click one of the methods below to learn more.
- Must satisfy the following
- EA Prerequisite 1: Fundamental Commissioning and Verification Required
- EA Prerequisite 2: Minimum Energy Performance
- EA Prerequisite 3: Building-Level Energy Metering
- EA Prerequisite 4: Fundamental Refrigerant Management Required
- Upon satisfaction of the Prerequisites, the following must be met to gain LEED V4 points
- EA Credit 1: Optimize Energy Performance
- Calculate the baseline building performance according to ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2010, Appendix G, with errata
- Project must meet the minimum percentage savings
- Mars® can help by providing the ROI calculation to user
- EA Credit 1: Optimize Energy Performance
- Must satisfy the following
- EQ Prerequisite 1: Minimum IAQ Performance Required
- Mechanical Ventilated Spaces
- Naturally Ventilated Spaces
- EQ Prerequisite 2: Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control Required
- Mars® can help by reducing the Smoke infiltration into working space
- EQ Prerequisite 3: Minimum Acoustic Performance
- Mars® products are known for lowest Decibel among competitors, please visit Mars website for more information.
- EQ Prerequisite 1: Minimum IAQ Performance Required
- Upon satisfaction all the Prerequisites, the following must be met to gain LEED V4 points
- EQ Credit 1: Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategy (1-2 Points)
- Mars® products can increase the Indoor Air Quality by reducing the exterior air infiltration rate, please visit Mars website for more information
- EQ Credit 2: Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan (1-2 Points)
- EQ Credit 3: Indoor Air Quality Assessments (1-2 Points)
- Mars® products can increase the Indoor Air Quality by reducing the exterior air infiltration rate, please visit Mars website for more information
- EQ Credit 1: Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategy (1-2 Points)
- The following must be met to gain LEED V4 points
- MR Credit 4.1: Recycled Content – 10% Total Construction Material from Recycled Items (Post Consumer + ½ Pre-Consumer)* (1 Point)
- MR Credit 4.2: Recycled Content – 20% Total Construction Material from Recycled Items (Post Consumer + ½ Pre-Consumer)* (1 Point)
*Example of how air curtain can get MR point is available upon request.
- The following must be met to gain LEED V4 points
- IN Credit: Innovation (1-5 Possible Points)
- IN Credit: LEED Accredited Professional (1 Point)
Mars air curtains allow design teams to achieve points for exceptional performance above requirements set by LEED in the New Construction Green Building Rating System as well as/or the Innovative Performance in Green Building categories. Air curtains help increase energy performance by decreasing energy use and boast a payback period of 1-2 years depending upon location and usage. Specialists recommend that if the benefits achieved by air curtains are not being captured by the LEED-NC Green Building Rating System, the air curtain benefits should be submitted for the Innovative Performance in Green Building credit.