Air Curtains For Entertainment Venues & Sports Arenas

Air Curtains For Entertainment Venues & Sports Arenas

An entertainment venue holds thousands, including a multitude of foodservice prep and vending stations, and forces owners & operators to create comfortable conditions that align with the quality of the entertainment and price of admission. What is an air curtain doing to support and remedy the challenges and obstacles?

The Mars units – industrial and foodservice - are built to tackle the very challenges posed by in cavernous spaces:

  • Control expensive climatized air and energy spend by protecting the many expansive entryways, no matter how long they stay open.
  • Prevent flying pests, dust, debris, and even wind from taking advantage of wide openings.
  • Keep cold storage temperatures consistent and food-safe in the many walk-ins and freezer units
  • Keep workers and guests comfortable and conditions sanitary in foodservice prep and dining areas
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Large expansive walls of doors allow people but stop wind and debris with Mars units on duty.

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Every facility of every size is bettered with a Mars solution that protects from energy loss and dust & debris infiltration.

How Entertainment Venues Benefit from Air Curtains
  • Stop Flying Pests
  • Protect Foodservice Ops
  • Sized for Large Wide Openings
  • Save $$ & Reduce Energy Spend
  • ANSI/NSF & AMCA Certified
  • Excellent ROI
Case Studies

With over 50 years of experience in the air curtain industry, Mars Air Systems has installed air doors in numerous application settings, from the simplest entrances and dock receiving doors to more elaborate installations in convention centers and large production facilities.