Air Curtains Manufacturing, Warehouse & Distribution | Mars Air Doors

Air Curtains Manufacturing, Warehouse & Distribution | Mars Air Doors

Industrial spaces are voluminous and full of inherent challenges.

High ceilings, large entry ways, and repeated openings make it difficult to control expensive climatized air, produce consistent comfort for workers, and keep out unwanted dirt, dust, and flying flying pests – conditions that adversely impact goods and productivity. What is an air curtain in manufacturing and distribution centers when sanitary and comfortable conditions are a must? Mars provides whole facility solutions for every opening to:

The leading provider for the most complex manufacturing and distribution, trust Mars and our expanded accessory line for the most rigorous support.

  • Provide an invisible shield that eliminates the need for dirty, bacteria-laden, and visibility-reducing plastic strips
  • Establish durable and consistent sanitary shield protection
  • Reduce energy spent by maintaining indoor climate conditions
  • Protect goods from damage resulting from dust, temperature fluctuations, and flying pests
  • Separate spaces with different climate needs, including cold box temperature stabilizing to reduce HVACR burdens

Even Mars's large industrial units are quick to install and become tireless workers.


Mars Windstopping and Wind Guard units offer heavy industrial protection.

Superior Sanitation and Lowered Energy Costs: Mars Over Every Door® and Opening

Across every industry and facility type (no matter the size), Mars can develop a custom plan for whole-facility sanitation and ensure significant energy savings with a protective shield of air across every opening - including internal separation between cold storage units and protecting “clean rooms” with higher sterility & hygiene needs.

Superior Sanitation and Lowered Energy Costs: Mars Over Every Door® and Opening
How Manufacturing & Distribution Facilities Benefit
from Air Curtains
  • Climate Control =
  • Stop Flying Pests =
    Protect Goods & Equipment
  • Save $$ & Reduce Energy Spend
  • Clear Access & Visibility +
    No Plastic Strips
  • Stops Pooling Water &
  • Heated Units = Comfort