Air Curtains for Dock Doors & Material Handling
What is an air curtain for dock doors and material handling? Forklifts and the myriad variety of doors — high speed, roll up, bi-parting, sliding, sectional, overhead, dock doors, etc. — all create complexity for the facilities manager.
Safe passage for workers and equipment is paramount to maintain productivity, keep labor costs down, and keep thin margins from being eroded. Count on the Mars air curtain solution to:
- Provide an invisible shield of air for consistent sanitary protection of materials handling operations
- Eliminate the need for accident-prone, dirty, bacteria-laden plastic strips
- Reduce energy spend by maintaining indoor climate conditions (both warmth and cool)
- Protect goods from damage resulting from dust, temperature fluctuations and flying pests
- Separate spaces that demand differing climatic conditions

Industrial-sized openings, treacherous weather, flying insects, and debris have met their match with Mars industrial-strength protective shield.

Heavy traffic and moving equipment operate more safely when Mars air curtains don’t hamper visibility, and staff is more productive with our climate-stabilizing support.
How Material Handling Providers Benefit
from Air Curtains
Safety-Enhancing with Clear
Visibility + No Plastic StripsSave $$ by Reducing
Energy SpendStrong Support for All Dock,
High-Speed & Roll Up DoorsProtect Goods & Equipment = Stop
Flying Pests & Wind-Driven DebrisEliminate Pooling Water &
Condensation & Slips and FallsEnvironmental Separation & Climate
Control = Productivity-Enhancing
Case Studies
With over 50 years of experience in the air curtain industry, Mars Air Systems has installed air doors in numerous application settings, from the simplest entrances and dock receiving doors to more elaborate installations in convention centers and large production facilities.