Air Curtains Transportation & Terminals | Mars Air Doors
Transportation hubs by their nature are full of vehicle exhaust, fumes, and fossil fuel emissions – a wafting mixture of smelly, toxic annoyances.
And large square footage transport hubs require costly amounts of climate-stabilizing energy for both heating and cooling. What is an air curtain in a supporting role to help your HVAC systems? HVAC systems are said to be responsible for up to 50% of the facility’s energy spend and host to large levels of odorous ultrafine particles, unrelenting emissions from a multitude of vehicles, and a 24/7 stream of travelers entering and exiting large entryways. Smart facility managers call on Mars for superior sanitation and energy-saving support:
- Reduce energy spent with Mars's invisible barrier of protective air for any size opening
- Create intra-facility separations using Mars's invisible shield of air
- Discover the advantage of using a universal solution, effective in both industrial areas as well as customer-facing facilities

Mars protects transportation hubs from wafting emissions and noxious fumes.

No matter the size of the facility, there’s a Mars unit to protect it.
How Transportation & Vehicle Terminals Benefit
from Air Curtains
Sized for Large Wide Openings
Save $$ & Reduce Energy Spend
Shield Fumes & Fossil Fuel Emissions
Excellent ROI
Comfortable Interiors ↑ Productivity
Case Studies
With over 50 years of experience in the air curtain industry, Mars Air Systems has installed air doors in numerous application settings, from the simplest entrances and dock receiving doors to more elaborate installations in convention centers and large production facilities.